EnigmA Amiga Run 1999 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 34 (1999)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1999-02].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
348 lines
#ifndef _WcCreateP_h
#define _WcCreateP_h
#include <X11/Wc/COPY>
* SCCS_data: @(#) WcCreateP.h 1.7 92/06/10 06:11:14
* Widget Creation Library - WcCreateP.h
* Private defines for the Widget Creation Library. Clients generally
* should not need to include this file.
* Anything and everything in here may change dramatically.
#include <ctype.h> /* isupper, tolower, atoi macros */
#include <X11/Wc/WcCreate.h>
#include <X11/Wc/MapAg.h>
* Private_constant_declarations.
#undef NUL
#define NUL '\0'
#define MAX_XRMSTRING 4096 /* max length of the Xrm DB string */
#define MAX_ERRMSG 1024 /* max length of error message */
#define MAX_CHILDREN 1024 /* max number of widget's children */
#define MAX_PATHNAME 1024 /* max length of the pathname */
#define INCR_ALLOC 32 /* initial incr of malloc'd arrays */
#define MAX_CALLBACKS 64 /* max callbacks per Xrm resource */
#define MAX_WIDGETS 512 /* max depth of a widget tree */
#define MAX_ROOT_WIDGETS 32 /* max # separate widget trees */
#define MAX_RES_FILES 512 /* max # res file names per interf */
#ifndef MAX_ARGS
#define MAX_ARGS 128 /* max # args for callback / action */
#define NAME_RESOLUTION 128 /* #chars resolving registered names*/
* Private_type_declarations.
typedef struct _WclRec
/* Application Wide Resources - Fetched During Wcl Initialization
char* resFiles;
char* errorDatabaseFile;
char* widgetResourceFiles;
char* templateFiles;
Boolean traceTemplateDef;
Boolean verboseWarnings;
char* dynamicLibs; /* just to force conversion, not used */
} WclRec, *WclRecPtr, *Wcl;
typedef struct _QuarkRec
char* string; /* as seen in resource db */
XrmQuark quark; /* made from lower case of string */
} QuarkRec;
typedef struct _ResourceRec
/* Pre-Creation Resources
Boolean preCreateDump; /* dump resources pre-create */
XrmQuark template; /* name of template */
Boolean traceTemplate; /* template trace required */
Boolean postTemplateDump; /* dump resources post-template */
QuarkRec create; /* WcMapFind gives class/constr */
QuarkRec className; /* backward compatibility */
QuarkRec class; /* backward compatibility */
QuarkRec constructor; /* backward compatibility */
/* Post-Creation Resources
Boolean trace; /* creation trace required */
Boolean postCreateDump; /* dump resources post-create */
XtCallbackList callback; /* invoked after creation */
char* popups; /* list of popup children to create */
char* children; /* list of children names to create */
Boolean managed; /* created managed (default TRUE) */
XtCallbackList afterPopups; /* invoked after popups created */
XtCallbackList afterChildren; /* invoked after children created */
XtCallbackList afterManageChildren;/* invoked after kids are managed */
} ResourceRec, *ResourceRecPtr;
/* Used by WcLateBinderCB for late binding of callbacks.
typedef struct _WcLateBind
XtAppContext app; /* Always seem to need an app! */
Widget widget; /* widget invoking the callback */
XtPointer callData; /* callback specific data from widget */
/* These are quarkified versions of what we saw as the callback resource
* value. args is also specially derived from what we saw in the callback
* resource value (careful! see WcxClosureFromSeg() for concerns about
* being able to remove callbacks).
XrmQuark libQ; /* shared library abbreviation: -lXt */
XrmQuark classQ; /* class, for methods */
XrmQuark nameQ; /* case sensitive callback name */
XrmQuark nameq; /* case insensitive callback name braindamage */
/* These are needed for dynamic linking of shared libraries
char* libFullPath; /* if doing dynamic linking */
void* libHandle; /* from dlopen() */
/* The callback procedure address which gets invoked.
XtCallbackProc Callback; /* what finally gets invoked */
char* args; /* careful! see WcxClosureFromSeg() */
XtPointer regClosure; /* client data as registered */
XtPointer object; /* instance of the class - this changes */
} WcLateBindRec, *WcLateBind;
* Private_macro_definitions.
ONCE_PER_XtAppContext(app) should be invoked at the beginning of each
function which performs registration, like WcRegisterWcCallbacks.
Note that this IS a macro: therefore, the return statement actually
causes the return from the registration function.
#define ONCE_PER_XtAppContext( app ) \
{ \
static XtAppContext already[1024]; \
static int numApps = 0; \
int i; \
for (i = 0; i < numApps ; i++) \
if (app == already[i]) \
return; \
already[numApps++] = app; \
-- converter done macro
This macro is invoked when a resource converter has completed the
conversion. It is taken directly from the Xt Reference Manual which came
with Release 4 of the X11 Window System from MIT.
#define done( type, value ) \
{ \
if ( toVal->addr != NULL ) \
{ \
if ( toVal->size < sizeof( type ) ) \
{ \
toVal->size = sizeof( type ); \
return; \
} \
*(type*)(toVal->addr) = (value); \
} \
else \
{ \
static type static_val; \
static_val = (value); \
toVal->addr = (caddr_t)&static_val; \
} \
toVal->size = sizeof(type); \
return; \
/* For compatibility with old Xt libraries
#ifndef XtIsWidget
#ifdef XtSpecificationRelease
#define XtIsWidget(obj) XtIsSubclass((obj),(WidgetClass)coreWidgetClass)
#define XtIsWidget(obj) XtIsSubclass((obj),(WidgetClass)widgetClass)
* Private_function_declarations.
The following functions are generally private functions to the
WcCreate routines, but they may be defined in different files from
where they are used. Client programs probably should not invoke
these functions directly.
#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
/****************************** ANSI FUNC DECLS ******************************/
#define CONVERTER(arg) XrmValue*, Cardinal*, XrmValue*, XrmValue*
#define CALLBACK(arg) Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer
#define ACTION(arg) Widget, XEvent*, char**, Cardinal*
/****************************** K&R FUNC DECLS ******************************/
#define CONVERTER(arg) /**/
#define CALLBACK(arg) /**/
#define ACTION(arg) /**/
/* -- Wcl Initialization Procedures
extern void WcWarningInitialize _(( XtAppContext, WclRecPtr ));
extern void WcWidgetResourcesInitialize _(( XtAppContext, WclRecPtr ));
extern void WcTemplateInitialize _(( XtAppContext, WclRecPtr ));
extern void WcRegisterIntrinsic _(( XtAppContext ));
extern void WcAddConverters _(( XtAppContext ));
extern void WcRegisterWcCallbacks _(( XtAppContext ));
extern void WcRegisterWcActions _(( XtAppContext ));
extern int WcMoreResourceFilesToLoad _(( Widget, WclRecPtr ));
/* -- Wcl Templates
extern int WcApplyTemplate _(( XrmQuark, Widget, char*, int ));
/* -- Support for providing sub-part resources for widgets (safe WcSetValues)
#define WcWidgetResourcesInitialize(a,w) /* not yet implemented */
/* -- Find root widget of argument, remember if never seen before
extern Widget WcRootWidget _(( Widget ));
/* -- Use HOME etc to find user's home directory (static storage of rtn val)
extern char* WcHomeDirectory _(( char* /*user*/ ));
/* -- String to Widget Converter. So libXmp and libXp can use easily
extern int wcWidgetCvtArgsCount;
extern XtConvertArgRec wcWidgetCvtArgs[];
extern void WcCvtStringToWidget _((XrmValue*, Cardinal*, XrmValue*, XrmValue*));
/* -- Callback List stuff for Add/Remove callbacks
XtCallbackRec* WcStringToCallbackList _(( Widget, char* ));
void WcFreeCallbackList _(( XtCallbackRec* ));
/* -- Perform late binding of callbacks and methods - NOT REGISTERED!
extern void WcLateBinderCB _(( Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer ));
/* -- Similar to XtWarningMsg()
These use a Widget argument to identify the application context.
1st str: name of procedure where problem occurred.
2nd str: name of warning message.
3rd str: default warning message.
4th... : args to be put in for %s in warning message.
TIP: Wherever possible, use no more than one argument - makes
translating or changing the messages ALOT easier.
#define WCL_ERRORDB "/usr/lib/X11/WclErrorDB"
void WcWARN _(( Widget, char*, char*, char* ));
void WcWARN1 _(( Widget, char*, char*, char*, char* ));
void WcWARN2 _(( Widget, char*, char*, char*, char*, char* ));
void WcWARN3 _(( Widget, char*, char*, char*, char*, char*, char* ));
char* WcErrorDatabaseText _(( Widget, char*, char* ));
/* -- Mapping Agents used by Wcl
Need to have these visible only so macros below can be used.
extern MapAg wcAgent, cbAgent, cdAgent, clAgent, conAgent;
/* -- Mapping Agent Access Macros
Used for consistent access to mapping agents. If a single agent is
used for more than one type of data, be certain that the arguments
do NOT collide!
/*============== wcAgent ==============*/
#define WcMapWcl( app, wcl ) \
MapAg_Define( wcAgent, (app), NULL, NULL, (wcl) )
#define WcMapWclFind( app ) \
(WclRecPtr)MapAg_Find( wcAgent, (app), NULL, NULL )
#define WcMapDynLib( app, quark, name ) \
MapAg_Define( wcAgent, (app), (quark), 1, (name) )
#define WcMapDynLibFind( app, quark ) \
(char*)MapAg_Find( wcAgent, (app), (quark), 1 )
/*============== cbAgent ==============*/
#define WcMapCallback( app, quark, cbRecPtr ) \
MapAg_Define( cbAgent, (app), (quark), NULL, (cbRecPtr) )
#define WcMapCallbackFind( app, quark ) \
(XtCallbackRec*)MapAg_Find( cbAgent, (app), (quark), NULL )
#define WcMapCallbackMethod( app, classQ, nameQ, cbRecPtr ) \
MapAg_Define( cbAgent, (app), (classQ), (nameQ), (cbRecPtr) )
#define WcMapCallbackMethodFind( app, classQ, nameQ ) \
(XtCallbackRec*)MapAg_Find( cbAgent, (app), (classQ), (nameQ) )
/*============== cdAgent ==============*/
#define WcMapClosure( quark, string ) \
MapAg_Define( cdAgent, (quark), NULL, NULL, (string) )
#define WcMapClosureFind( quark ) \
(char*)MapAg_Find( cdAgent, (quark), NULL, NULL )
#define WcMapObject( wid, classQ, object ) \
MapAg_Define( cdAgent, (wid), (classQ), NULL, (object) )
#define WcMapObjectFind( wid, classQ ) \
(XtPointer)MapAg_Find( cdAgent, (wid), (classQ), NULL )
#define WcMapObjectForget( wid, classQ ) \
MapAg_Forget( cdAgent, (wid), (classQ), NULL )
/*============== conAgent ==============*/
#define WcMapConstructor( app, quark, Constr ) \
MapAg_Define( conAgent, (app), (quark), NULL, (Constr) )
#define WcMapConstructorFind( app, quark ) \
(WcWidgetConstructor)MapAg_Find( conAgent, (app), (quark), NULL )
/*============== clAgent ==============*/
#define WcMapClass( app, quark, class ) \
MapAg_Define( clAgent, (app), (quark), NULL, (class) )
#define WcMapClassFind( app, quark ) \
(WidgetClass)MapAg_Find( clAgent, (app), (quark), NULL )
#endif /* _WcCreateP_h */